How to increase testosterone naturally

Why is it so important to increase your testosterone naturally?

-To increase muscle mass and strength. The higher your testosterone levels, the easier it is to gain muscle mass and strength. You should reduce your body fat up to 15% if you want to get it.

Stronger bones (and less risk of osteoporosis).

-Can help to treat certain emotional disorders such as depression.

-More sexual desire and improvement of erections. It has logic, since we are talking about the male sex hormone.


Ways to increase testosterone

Train at high intensity

Strength training is the only one that has been shown to raise testosterone levels. Repeated exercises that force you to use as much muscle as possible.

Not so aerobic exercises. That is, if our purpose is to increase testosterone levels is not the same to go for a run than to do a session of weights or spinning. Rest days are fundamental. Beware of over training. Do not pass. Passing will lower your testosterone levels and increase those of cortisol.



I transcribe below the WHO and FAO recommendations: Specific recommendations included in the report include the reduction of fats to 15 to 30% of total daily caloric intake, and saturated fats to less than 10%. The report indicates that the bulk of the caloric needs should be covered by carbohydrates (between 55 and 75% of the daily intake), but that the refined sugars (added), should be kept below 10%. The intake of salt, preferably iodized, should be kept at less than 5 grams per day, while the intake of fruit and vegetables should be at least 400 grams. The recommended protein intake is 10 to 15%. The report also points out that physical activity is a determining factor in energy expenditure.

If you have a moderately healthy and balanced diet you will not have a deficit and therefore you will not need to use supplements.

What happens with carbohydrates?. Well, carbohydrates, so demonized lately, are very beneficial to have high testosterone levels. This does not mean that you should eat any carbohydrate such as pizza, popcorn €, but you should keep a “normal” amount (50-70%) of carbohydrates from healthy sources such as rice, oats, potatoes or legumes.



Let’s be clear. Few substances are worse for your body than alcohol. The influence of alcohol on testosterone levels depends on the amounts consumed. An investigation carried out by the Nutrition and Food Research Institute shows that in men whose alcohol intake is higher than 1.5 g / kg of weight (which is equivalent to 4-6 cans of beer or 4-6 glasses) a decrease is observed dose-dependent testosterone boosters.

And with this information that each one decides in an informed and conscious way what he wants to do on the weekends when he goes out with friends. By drinking a couple of beers from time to time you will not have serious problems.



Three important points:

-The majority of testosterone occurs during sleep.

– Sleeping is where the muscle is built. In the gym it is stimulated. In the kitchen it is nourished. But it is sleeping where it really grows.

-Little sleep increases your cortisol levels.


Avoid chronic stress

Stress: Cortisol. Cortisol and stress are useful and necessary, but if they get too long, problems start.